This bit of writing comes to us by me (me) Maria, any writing you want to share, send me and I will substack it to, Thomas, Elsa, Frankie, Maria, Lea
Sing it with me now
In the decades of experience in little control on my environnement and tons of ressources (books, teacher, schools, psychotherapists, friends, long self talks, reflection time, feeling bad time, self-help, self-care, self selfing self) spent on my self™© truly I think i may have learnt that changing yourself isnt that effective a way of making laundry easier or cooking more feeding.
Or actually let me correct that, I that is to say I reckon, changing yourself isn't a good way of making laundry easier if you hold on to living. If self-annihilation (bad), self annihilation being the annihilation of everything that is around your skin into a YOU™©, doesn't interest you, bad luck bucko, self-discipline is off the table. You are officially and technically fucked, and you will never contribute a meaningful amount of McDonald fries™© to society.
This of course is in the context of a modern house, in a modern cuntry, like the Brit aine, or the for real ance, if you are surrounded by the hellish ghostly screams of 2.1 kids stuffed in cars and salty play dough. Discipline requires a cease of living, too much talking then not enough, it requires good and evil and for you to know exactly what is going on™©
If, your soul being faded, cut apart, diminished or even worse described as a soul, doesn't fancy you. How can your socks dry? Or I guess better than that, how can we make things bitter batter better? Better
I think (therefore I've failed and succeeded, both ghastly), that we might focus on environnement, there's so many little things, unexplored ressources that might jump at us from the shadow of Things We Dont Consider Yet, like the dishwasher can be used actually, or the drying can be hung on railling actually, or the cooking can be done by someone else actually, or Jenny is great with explosives. Things we didn't see before and suddenly effortlessly, less then effortlessly, effort restauringly, they are here, and we live nicer, and it's nice, and climate change and genocide are this bit closer to being touchable, suddenly you have more strength. Also today is nice now. Which is nice, you see. Parliement? More like Jenny is my friend now.
How can all this wonderful design be accessed? Do we think about it? But then what of intution? Or worse what of living?, do we intuit? But then what of thinking or better what of living, do we live? But cats are great at living, I don't see them doing shit about abolishing shit or making a nice casserole for me, and I guess we should continue those things. So! I posit the following
Do all three
You do this already
yeah you do, you think you Intuit you live, two of those things you can barely control in any way, and the third you can barely control in many ways, so im assuming you do them at least a little.
Wowie zowie
Okay but then why doesn't it feel enough? Why is rael still a thing? Or Be right atain for that matter? Why are my socks wet and unhappily so
I posit the following
If at first you don't succeed (urgh), do it again more until you do succeed (Ew),
add more people, who are living thinking intuiting
Even doing it in varied ways
More prism faces
Strange different colours floating around all things and furniture
Do community
That ought to do it.
The end.
Free Palestine
Ceasefire now
From the river to the sea
Palestine free